29 setembro, 2009

Americano do Recife

While drawing this many things crossed my mind including the
possibilities of one day returning back to my tropical native
country after having lived abroad many years and no longer be
recognized by two family generations of neighbors in my road,
buying anything around the corner market and being answered back
by anything but my native language
and swapping my pair of winter
shoes for something a little bit more appropriate and realizing
I no longer feel comfort
able in a pair of Havaianas.
And of course the list goes on.

26 setembro, 2009

Now and again I tend to risk and have a go at trimming
my own fringe with a pair of sketchy scissors and like any
true bit of DIY it does have a tendency to end atrociously wrong.

25 setembro, 2009

Imaginary Friends

From top left to bottom right:

Rascal, Sid, Cosme & Damião

20 setembro, 2009

Horse Rider

Multi sport bikes, seated calf machines, treadmills,
weight benches and bars,
steppers, chest press
and cross trainer machines, rowers, the butt blaster,
the butt and thigh shaper, the angled leg press and leverage
squat calf.
When opting for the right exercise program remember
It’s not so much about the machine as the relationship
between the body and the machine.
Choose a machine that feels right.

12 setembro, 2009

Dark Forest

I don't actually know what this is all about. Maybe I will come back to it if I
figure it out.

08 setembro, 2009


It is possible that around the world twice a day, everyday at a certain hour of
the day, a large number of odd people get together and take the underground
back home.Call it fate, I always bump into these people.

07 setembro, 2009

Dog Love

Ensure sufficient protein in his daily diet, choose shampoo
with pathenol ingredients, brush regularly, but do not bath regularly,
kiss to stimulate blood and oxygen flow.

Midnight Specimens

The bugs are plenty, more than 800 insects species representing 39 families
of insects have been identified inside.

06 setembro, 2009


And another victim of the coconut bob.