15 junho, 2013
06 março, 2012
09 janeiro, 2012
@ Rio de Janeiro
Quick sketch while on holiday listening to Everything is Wrong.
Dear mum and dad if you just happened to have found my blog, please look away NOW.
05 novembro, 2011
Welcome to Pingpongland
It has been a while since my last post and it feels good to be back on my secret blog writing like a
crazy person to myself! This time about one of my favourite things, a game originated as a sport in Britain during the 1880s, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game, also according
to Bill Porter commonly known as "wiff-waff". If you happen to be in Lisbon on the 11.11.2011 between 7pm and 2am do come by our studio in LX Factory to say "olá", to listen to some music and repeatedly beat us at ping-pong.
p.s: We are in the main building, 3rd floor, behind a top secret door in the end of the hallway inside a space that used to be the changing rooms / bathhouse (Balneários) of the factory back in 1846 when the factory was still a thread and fabric factory. So now the name of the space remains as Balneário.
26 outubro, 2011
ADC Young Guns Award 2011
Ping pong break at the studio with Oliver Durant to celebrate ADC Young Guns 9!
15 julho, 2011
Chan Chan Chanchanchaaaaaannn! And even better than posting just a photo from the exhibition, here are some photos with two videos of The Cheaper Show exhibition in Vancouver ! A fun night full of energy and very lovely people!
24 junho, 2011
Happy Food
Tomorrow takes place The Cheaper Show exhibition in Vancouver!I will be
posting some photos soon after. Meanwhile here is a bit of animation,happy onions, happy
sweet corn and some happy cheese.
18 maio, 2011
16 maio, 2011
200 artists. 400 pieces. 200 dollars per piece. One night only.
I just had some wonderful news! My work has been recently chosen to
take part in this year's The Cheaper Show exhibition in Vancouver on
June the 25th! Soon I shall be using my amazing packaging skills technique
to post some work to the show!
take part in this year's The Cheaper Show exhibition in Vancouver on
June the 25th! Soon I shall be using my amazing packaging skills technique
to post some work to the show!
21 dezembro, 2010
01 dezembro, 2010
10 setembro, 2010
Soma + Brazilian Customs
Today in Sao Paulo takes place the second collective annual exhibition
for Soma magazine! The exhibition is on until the 9th of October in Vila
Madalena. Minor detail, my work is actually stuck with the Brazilian customs
right now! That may be due to my amazing packaging skills, excessive use
of cardboard sandwich layering and suspicious brown tape combination.
According to a secret source though it could still show up in the exhibition
space miraculously tonight
p.s special thanks to Natalia Lucki for helping with the exhibition and all
the madness running around frame work!
14 julho, 2010
03 maio, 2010
14 março, 2010
In this exhibition all art work is received and sent using the fax machine!
Yes the fax machine. If you live in London or you are there at the moment,have
a peek, pop by KK Outlet gallery, it is there until the 26th of March.
You will find the work of many talented illustrators, including
Brazilian illustrator Elisa Sassi's cute little rabbits.
All the work is for sale and will be donated to non profit group
Viva Rio helping Haiti.
Yes the fax machine. If you live in London or you are there at the moment,have
a peek, pop by KK Outlet gallery, it is there until the 26th of March.
You will find the work of many talented illustrators, including
Brazilian illustrator Elisa Sassi's cute little rabbits.
All the work is for sale and will be donated to non profit group
Viva Rio helping Haiti.
13 fevereiro, 2010
04 fevereiro, 2010
Conversations I've Never Had
Nobrow Independent publishers has started an illustration project
inspired by Nick White's new Nobrow book People I've Never Met &
Conversations I've Never Had. Brilliant subject.And this was my response
for conversations I've never had. At first I was quite unsure which subject
to approach, whether I should take this opportunity to finally make an image
illustrating the subject of small talk, something I am quite uncomfortable
with even though I tend to do it quite often with the butcher around the corner,
maybe as a way to finally settle in the new neighbourhood or hoping to get
a discount on a bit of steak.But nah, in the end I opted for country living.
for conversations I've never had. At first I was quite unsure which subject
to approach, whether I should take this opportunity to finally make an image
illustrating the subject of small talk, something I am quite uncomfortable
with even though I tend to do it quite often with the butcher around the corner,
maybe as a way to finally settle in the new neighbourhood or hoping to get
a discount on a bit of steak.But nah, in the end I opted for country living.
03 janeiro, 2010
19 novembro, 2009
I posted this piece on flick-r recently and someone kindly
summarized it in four words; good girls gone bad. I had just
finished working on an animation project for Magma bookstores
and publishers Pocko London when composer and sound designer
Shervin Shaeri asked me if I could draw him an illustration (not necessarily
related to the project). So what followed was full glorious evenings
combining a variety of sugary sweets with remarkably cheap
but very tasty Portuguese wine. Ha! and a lot of drawing.
combining a variety of sugary sweets with remarkably cheap
but very tasty Portuguese wine. Ha! and a lot of drawing.
29 setembro, 2009
Americano do Recife
While drawing this many things crossed my mind including the
possibilities of one day returning back to my tropical native
country after having lived abroad many years and no longer be
recognized by two family generations of neighbors in my road,
buying anything around the corner market and being answered back
by anything but my native language and swapping my pair of winter
shoes for something a little bit more appropriate and realizing
I no longer feel comfortable in a pair of Havaianas.
And of course the list goes on.
26 setembro, 2009
20 setembro, 2009
Multi sport bikes, seated calf machines, treadmills,
weight benches and bars, steppers, chest press
and cross trainer machines, rowers, the butt blaster,
the butt and thigh shaper, the angled leg press and leverage
squat calf. When opting for the right exercise program remember
It’s not so much about the machine as the relationship
between the body and the machine. Choose a machine that feels right.
12 setembro, 2009
08 setembro, 2009
07 setembro, 2009
29 agosto, 2009
30 maio, 2009
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